
Sunday, April 21, 2013


This little town situated in the French region of Alsace is considered by the locals as the most beautiful in the world (“la plus belle ville du monde”). I was charmed by its medieval atmosphere, colours, decorations, vineyards, typical houses “en pan de bois” and above all by the respect for the past. All the details and symbols that you find on every corner of its little streets act like some imaginary storytellers and keep alive the town’s histories throughout generations.

Friday, April 19, 2013

le rouge

“lui qui, en Occident, (...) a pendant si longtemps représenté la première des couleurs, la couleur ‹‹ par excelence ››. ”    
 (Michel Pastoureau, Une histoire symbolique du Moyen Âge occidental)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013